Thursday, 22 January 2009

Oh The Irony

I received this email today from a PR agency. The email was about how PR and marketing communications need to change away from their traditional channels and embrace new channels like social networks. The email had no links above the fold and read very much like a blog post.

Monday, 19 January 2009

2009 Annual National Client Email Marketing Report

Denise Cox did such a good job describing this that I thought I would copy her text (below) or you can go to see the original post.

"I love email marketing stats, in particular european and/or UK specific stats - which can be pretty thin on the ground. If you are a UK marketer, please consider participating in the 2009 Annual National Client Email Marketing Report so the results will reflect one of the most up to date resources for UK email marketing research. (Survey link)

About: The National Client Email Marketing Survey is an initiative undertaken by the DMA UK’s Email Marketing Council. It’s designed to complement the National Email Benchmarking Report, which surveys the Email Service Providers (ESPs). The Client Email Marketing Survey asks client marketers to provide their answers to a mixture of response rate data, as well as attitudinal questions. The reports are produced on a quarterly basis. (Executive brief for 2006, Access to all past reports - free for members, fee for non-members.)

Survey guidelines: Where a % is asked for, please enter numeric values only. If you do not know the answer, please leave blank.

Taking the Survey: Participants will receive a complimentary copy of the survey results; insert your email address in the first box to receive the report when it is issued. (Survey link) Survey closes 29 January."

Friday, 16 January 2009

Ready Steady Email Date Announced

It has just been confirmed that Ready Steady Email will be running at TFM&A. This is a highly interactive half day session where participants work in teams to develop an email marketing strategy for an on-line t-shirt retailer. I encourage everybody to sign up.